Kings Camp in the Timbavati - Your own Wildlife Experience!

Logo.gif - 2.9 KThe Khama Rhino Sanctuary Trust



© Rod Borland - Treasured-Earth Network

Kgosi Martin's Cattle Round -up

Sanctuary Developments

Visitor Comments

The KRST visitor book is full of compliments such as:

"The best ablution facilities in Botswana!"

"Friendly staff and clean facilities"

"The best camp sites anywhere"

"Best stop in ten African countries!"

Thank you to all the visitors for their kind words of support and encouragement and to those with suggestions, we will try to address and remedy any concerns noted. Thanks to all visitors for your important feedback.

Broadhurst and Maruapula Schools Sponsor Events

Rhino and Elephant Group Hosts Conference at KRS

Tribal authority Donates Office to KRST

The Sanctuary gates are open daily from 8am until 6.30pm

Round Table 64 Adopts KRS

KRST Attends IUCN Conference in Montreal